Archive for August 28, 2014

4 Men From Sinai Executed by Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, Accused of Spying for Israel

In a released video, the Sinai’s most dangerous militant group, Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, said the 4 Egyptian men had been spying for Israel’s Mossad spy agency.



A Sinai-based militant group said on Thursday it had beheaded four Egyptians, accusing them of providing Israel with intelligence for an airstrike that killed three of its fighters.
Four Sinai people killed by Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis for spying for Israel

Four Sinai people executed by Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis for spying for Israel

Four headless corpses were found in the Sinai Peninsula earlier this month, security sources said — the first time that any decapitations had been made public in Egypt.

The men had been abducted by gunmen two days earlier while driving in the town of Sheikh Zuwaid, which is just a few kilometers from the Gaza Strip. Continue Reading »

Australian MPs Outraged at Local ‘Pallywood’ Attempt at Deceptions About Gaza



In an email to Australian MPs that attacked Israel’s ‘Operation Protective Edge’, the activist group ‘Australians for Palestine’, has prompted outrage & disgust by misrepresenting an image of killed Syrian children as young Palestinian victims from the conflict in Gaza.

By CHRISTIAN KERR, The Australian


The group, Australians for Palestine, whose August 10 email compared those killed in Gaza to victims of the Holocaust, has declined to correct the error or apologize, even after the deceptive use of the image was exposed.
The email photos and text.

Photos From The Australian, August 28, 2014

Underneath the image of dead children, Australians for Palestine editor
Sonja Karkar wrote that “some people may find the above photo disturbing and we hope it is”.
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Report: Israel loses 2nd drone, now in Iraq


Just days after Iran reportedly shot down an Israeli spy-drone, a Lebanese news channel reports that the Israeli UAV crash-landed near the Baghdad airport.

An Iranian general says the drone they shot down earlier in the week came from north.

By The Associated Press


The Hezbollah-affiliated “Al Miadin” news channel reported Thursday that an Israeli-made Hermes drone crashed near the Baghdad airport area. Representatives of the US embassy in Iraq arrived on the scene and collected the pieces of the broken aircraft, according to the semi-official Fars news agency.

Drone to be deployed at 2014 World Cup

Elbit’s Hermes 900 unmanned aircraft, deployed at 2014 World Cup

The Thursday morning incident was preceded by another incident on Sunday, in which Iran’s Revolutionary Guard said it shot down a purported Israeli drone near the country’s uranium enrichment facility in Natanz, some 240 kilometers (150 miles) south of the capital, Tehran. Continue Reading »

Egyptian soldier shoots dead Gaza smuggler entering illegally via Hamas terror-tunnel

The Palestinian Ma’an news agency reports a 2nd Palestinian man escaped near Rafah.

Egyptian Authorities announced early this year it destroyed 1,370 of Hamas’ smuggling tunnels from Gaza.


Egyptian soldiers shot and killed a Palestinian man Wednesday who was attempting to enter Egypt through a tunnel that exited near Rafah, the Palestinian news agency Ma’an reported.

Hamas operatives inside an underground tunnel in Gaza on August 18, 2014.

Hamas operatives inside an underground tunnel in Gaza on August 18, 2014. – Photo: Reuters

Citing Egyptian security sources, Ma’an said a second man escaped.
Egyptian border guards opened fire when they spotted two people exiting the tunnel, according to the report.

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Israeli-Arab Drug Ring Arrested for Aiding Hezbollah

Israel Police & the Shabak reveled how Arab drug dealers from northern Israel built ties with Hezbollah terrorists, who exploited the Israelis to smuggle their drugs & weapons.

By Yaakov Levi


Israel Police and the Shabak (Israel Security Service) announced Thursday that it had arrested several Arab-Israelis who are accused of aiding and abetting Hezbollah terrorists. The investigation into the detainees went on for several months, and they were arrested on July 27, the announcement said.

Hezbollah parade in Lebanon (file) – Photo: Reuters

The investigation was originally designed to uncover the massive drug pushing that the suspects were involved in. Continue Reading »

Rabbis tell of ‘Quiet War’ on control of David’s Tomb is ‘as Dangerous as Arab War’

Rabbi says that with end of Gaza operation, Israel must return changing status quo at David’s Tomb to front and center…or lose Jewish access.

By Benny Toker, Ari Yashar


Rabbi Eldad Shmueli, an activist for the Jewish rights to King David’s Tomb in Jerusalem’s Mount Tzion, on Wednesday called on the public to visit the David’s Tomb Compound to fight the change in status quo that threatens Jewish access to the holy site.

Crosses at King David's Tomb for Mass (file)

Crosses at King David’s Tomb for Mass – File Photo: Yonatan Yosef

Speaking to Arutz Sheva about the impact of Operation Protective Edge, which reached a controversial long-term ceasefire on Tuesday, Rabbi Shmueli said “from the nature of things during the war we were distracted from David’s Tomb, everything moved to the side.” Continue Reading »

Former American envoy: (Impudent?) Israel feels it can defy us


Martin Indyk says Gaza operation exacerbated tensions with Washington; accuses Israel’s right-wing politicians of ‘hubris’.

By i24news

Former US envoy to Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, Martin Indyk, says the war between Israel and Hamas has also exacerbated tensions between Israel and the United States and accused right-wing politicians of dangerous “hubris” in displaying defiance of the US administration to gain political capital.

US Special Envoy for Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations Martin Indyk  at Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv on January 6, 2014 ( Brendan Smialowski (Pool/AFP/File) )

US Special Envoy for Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations Martin Indyk at Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv on January 6, 2014 – Photo:Brendan Smialowski (Pool/AFP/File)

Indyk, interviewed by Foreign Policy, was asked about the impact of the conflict with Gaza on Israeli-US relations. Continue Reading »

Israeli Arabs Doing National Service are Still Breaking Records


Record breaking number of Arabs & other non-Jews are joining the IDF or doing other forms of national service, as they seek integration into Israeli society.

By Yossi Aloni


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last week met with a number of these non-Jewish volunteers. He heard about how they are playing active roles in the police, fire stations, emergency medical services, schools, kindergartens and more. Netanyahu spoke with the volunteers about the challenges they face, and was told of the volunteers’ desire to fully integrate into Israeli society.

The director of the National Service Authority, Sar-Shalom Jerbi, informed the prime minister that the majority of the volunteers perform their service within Arab communities.

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Netanyahu: ‘Great Diplomatic Blow’ For Hamas

Amid wave of criticism over ceasefire deal while Hamas still fires rockets, PM explains decision during televised press conference.

By Hezki Ezra, Ari Yashar


Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Wednesday night attempted to respond to the outpouring of criticism to his unilateral decision the night before, in which he sealed a ceasefire deal with the terrorist group Hamas.

“With the establishment of the ceasefire I can say that this is a great military and diplomatic achievement,” claimed Netanyahu, accompanied by Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon and IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz.

Netanyahu stated “Hamas has been hit critically and didn’t receive any of the demands it set.” Continue Reading »

Politicians, the UN’s & Mainstream Media’s Egregious Misrepresentations in the Gaza Conflict


Getting the law right on the Israel-Gaza conflict is not the problem. Like most laws, it’s quite clear. Unfortunately, most of the journalists covering the current conflict are either threatened/intimidated from reporting the truth, emotionally invested in one side or the other, or will simply explain away Hamas’ daily war-crimes as rightful ‘resistance’.

By Laurie R. Blank, THE HILL/contributor


International law has quite a lot to say about the latest violence that has flared up between Israel and Hamas. So do the media. Unfortunately, they rarely match, leading to unfortunate — and sometimes egregious — misrepresentations. In an age when both real and perceived violations of international law have a substantial effect on the legitimacy of state action, getting it wrong is way more than just bad journalism. Continue Reading »

Palestinians Come to Rescue Jews After Rock Attack Overturned Car in Near-Fatal Accident


Jewish family attacked by rock-throwers near Hebron, then Palestinians from the nearby village rushed to extricate the injured family from the flipped car.

By Israel Today Staff


An Israeli man remains in critical condition after he and his family were attacked by Palestinian stone-throwers near Hebron over the weekend. The incident again demonstrated that stone-throwing is a deadly act of terrorism. But it also served as a reminder that not all Palestinians are terrorists.

Palestinian stone-throwers

Yedaya and Hadassah Sharhaton, along with their one-year-old daughter, were returning home to the southern Hebron hills area Saturday night when a large stone crashed through the windshield of their car and struck Yedayay in the face.

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Council of Jewish Women support probe of UNRWA for improper actions during Gaza crisis

ICJW sent letters of support to 3 American Senators that have called for an independent investigation into UNRWA’s role during ‘Operation Protective Edge’



NEW YORK – The International Council of Jewish Women has called on US officials to investigate the UN agency responsible for Palestine refugees for its actions during the current Gaza war.

Florida Senator (Rep.) Marco Rubio

Florida Senator (Rep.) Marco Rubio – Photo: REUTERS

On August 21, ICJW sent letters of support to three US senators who have called for an independent investigation into UNRWA’s role during the current round of fighting between Israel and terrorists in the Gaza Strip.

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Hamas still fired rockets at sick Gazans as they entered Israel for treatment



For the wounded Gazans or children with cancer reaching Israel for their medical care, safe travel via the Erez Crossing is often the only chance they have – but this does not stop Hamas from firing rockets at it.

By Assaf Kamer

The Erez border crossing on the border of northern Gaza is the only legal portal for people to travel between Israel and the embargoed Strip. Despite continued rocket fire and IDF attacks over the past several weeks, the Erez border crossing has remained open 24/7, allowing Palestinians with special passes to enter Israel for humanitarian reasons including for medical treatment. Continue Reading »

Undeterred by war, Ryanair seeks to transform Israel into hub for low-cost flights

Despite current military conflict, Ryanair management blames Jerusalem’s bureaucracy & the gov’t’s determination to protect El Al from foreign competition for the delay in entering Israel’s market.


Low-cost airline Ryanair wants to launch an “Israeli version” of the Irish company and turn Israel into one of its hubs, CEO Michael O’Leary told the Irish Independent newspaper.

A Ryanair jet

A Ryanair jet. – Photo: Bloomberg

Ryanair is Europe’s largest low-cost airline, and it has already said that it intends to start flying to and from Israel. O’Leary says the company has great aspirations for Israel, and promised Israel’s tourism minister last year that the company would bring Israel 4-5 million tourists a year.

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Caught Hamas Detainees: Haniyeh Hiding in Shifa Hospital

Israel’s Shin Bet publishes testimony of captive terrorists who reports that ‘everybody knows’ Hamas’s leadership is hiding out at Shifa.

By Arutz Sheva staff


The Israel Security Agency (ISA, or Shin Bet) has published a report on Hamas’s use of public buildings as cover for operational activity.


The ISA said that interrogation of captives taken in Operation Protective Edge gave a “somewhat disturbing” picture of Hamas’s use of civilians and public buildings to carry out military activity, “out of an assumption that Israel will avoid hitting them.”

In an unusual step, the ISA quoted captives and provided their names. Continue Reading »