Archive for August 26, 2014

Rabbis Call Day of Prayer & Fasting Over Ongoing ‘Operation Protective Edge’

Rabbi urged yeshiva students to cancel summer vacations, declaring ‘Mini Yom Kippur’ as Israel faces increasing security threats.

By Israel Today Staff


A group of leading Israeli rabbis declared Monday a day of prayer and fasting, a “mini Yom Kippur,” in their words, over the degenerating security situation in the country.

Rabbi Aharon Leib Shteinman

The initiative was spearheaded by Rabbi Aharon Leib Shteinman, the top non-hassidic orthodox rabbi in the country, who called for 24 hours of reciting of Psalms and fervent prayers amidst ongoing missile attacks from Gaza.

Last month, Rabbi Shteinman called on yeshiva students around Israel to cancel summer vacations, day trips and any other kind of recreational activity so long as the nation was at war. Continue Reading »

Lebanese rockets land in Israel’s Upper Galilee, prompting IDF response

Rocket sirens sound in country’s Northern towns of Kiryat Shmona, Metula and surrounding kibbutzim, near Lebanon’s border.

Iron Dome intercepts rocket over central Israel; IDF attacks 64 terror sites since midnight.



Two rockets were fired into Israel by Lebanese militants, prompting rocket sirens in towns along the border late Monday, including in the cities of Kiryat Shmona and Metula.

Israeli artillery returns fire – Photo courtesy: IDF Spokesperson Unit

Following the rocket attack, reports stated that one rocket had fallen in an open area and that the IDF was retaliating at the rocket launching source.

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Time Inc. forced to retract blood-libel that IDF soldiers harvested Palestinian organs

Shoddy tabloid type report was based on obscure Swedish report, when the author admitted it was not based on any tangible evidence.



Time magazine on Sunday retracted allegations that Israeli soldiers harvested and sold Palestinian organs.

IDF Facebook Page

IDF Facebook Page

The magazine deleted the allegations from a two-minute video on its website about the Israel Defense Forces, writing at the end, “Correction: The original version of this video cited a contested allegation in a 2009 Swedish newspaper report as fact. The allegation has been removed from the video.”

The video (Below), titled “The IDF: A look inside Israel’s powerful military,” said the “IDF is not without controversy,” reporting that “in 2009 a Swedish report came out exposing some Israeli troops of selling organs of Palestinians who died in their custody.”

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3 Gaza terror operatives killed in targeted strike by Israel Air Force



Palestinians report 8 killed by Israel in past day as IDF hit rocket launcher placed in school and members of Army of Islam (Hamas affiliated terror group) killed in joint IAF, Shin Bet attack on their car in Gaza.

By Roi Kais


The IAF has attacked some 70 targets in the Gaza Strip since midnight on Sunday and two militants who fired rockets into Israel were attacked and killed in central Gaza while a rocket launcher which had been set up in a school in norther Gaza was also hit.

Attack on Islam Army operatives traveling in Gaza

Israel has reportedly killed three Palestinians in a targeted killing attack on a moving car in Gaza Monday afternoon. Continue Reading »

In New Video, IDF Exposes the Gaza That the UN is Hiding

UN publicizes maps to only show damaged buildings in Gaza – but that’s only half the ‘picture’, as IDF reveals in this new informative video.

By Ari Yashar


An informative new video posted to YouTube on Monday by the IDF shows how the damage in Gaza reported by the UN is only giving half of the picture, and skewing the facts on the ground.

Gaza - IDF Screenshot

Gaza – IDF Screenshot

In the video maps published by the UN showing Gaza buildings damaged in Operation Protective Edge are represented by red dots. However, the video goes on to clarify how these buildings – which include private homes, hospitals and schools – are being used to launch rockets and attacks from terror tunnels. Continue Reading »

Hamas leader: We Killed the 3 Jewish Teens, so What?

Hamas puts propagandists’ conspiracy theories to rest, now openly admitting it ‘legitimately’ kidnapped and murdered the 3 Jewish teenagers.

By Ryan Jones


Anytime Palestinian terrorists carry out particularly grizzly or large-scale attacks against Israelis, protagonists of the Palestinian cause do their best to either justify such actions or explain away the incidents entirely.

Hamas leader Khaled Mashal speaking from the comfort of his “hideout” in Doha, Qatar

These propagandists do this because deep down they know that these attacks, in particular, are beyond the pale of all human decency and the moral values of those whose support they hope to garner.

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Netanyahu: “No one who fires at Israel is immune” – 14-story apt building destroyed



Reminding Gazans that ‘Operation Protective Edge’ is continuing, Israel’s PM warns Palestinians to evacuate locales where Hamas operates – after Israeli jets leveled a 14-story ap’t building housing Hamas’ operations center in Gaza. “We have proven that no one who fires at Israel’s citizens is immune,” Netanyahu said.

By Israel Hayom Staff and The Associated Press


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hinted on Sunday that the operation in Gaza was far from over, telling his cabinet that “Operation Protective Edge will continue until we complete our mission, even after the start of the school year.”

Rubble of a 14-story apartment building that was hit by missiles during an Israeli air strike in the heart of Gaza City on Saturday – Photo: AFP

The current school year is scheduled to begin on Sept.

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Abbas to announce ‘unconventional solution’ to Israel-Palestine conflict

Palestinian Authority president announced in Cairo that he will discuss his ‘unconventional solution’ with Arab leaders in Ramallah before presenting ideas to Washington.



Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said on Saturday that he might announce an “unconventional solution” for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas talks during a news conference in Egypt – Photo: REUTERS

In an interview with the Egyptian TV station Balad during his visit to Cairo, Abbas did not provide details about the proposed solution.

However, he said that he would discuss it with Palestinian leaders in Ramallah this week before presenting it to US Secretary of State John Kerry. Continue Reading »

3 Israeli Arabs wounded by Gaza mortar attack

Hamas’ brutal attack on Erez Crossing took place as a group of injured Palestinians were entering Israel from Gaza to receive medical care.

Over 30 Gaza mortars & rockets slam into Israel, with one rocket falling near Tel Aviv, after a violent day with Israel attacked in north by Syria & Lebanon.

By Yoav Zitun


Three Israeli Arabs were wounded by a mortar shell fired at the Erez Crossing as Palestinians from Gaza were entering Israel for medical care. The attack came after Israel was hit with over 20 rockets Sunday morning and after Saturday night saw at least five rockets fired from Syria and Lebanon at the northern Golan Heights and the Western Galilee, hitting an empty house. Continue Reading »

UNICEF Displays ‘bias’ as it Ignores Israeli Children’s Suffering in Conflict

It appears that Israeli children are less equal than others at UNICEF Palestinian press conference, which totally ignores effects of Gaza’s incessant rockets on Israel’s children.

By Mark Langfan, New York


UNICEF Gaza Field Office chief, Pernille Ironside, held a press conference at the United Nations offices in New York City several days ago, “on the impact on children from the conflict in Gaza.”

Unlike UNRWA – which is charged solely with attending to Palestinian “refugees” – UNICEF  is the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund and is charged with assisting children over the world.

Asked how she, and the entire UN Gaza staff, remained neutral in the face of Gaza children’s and civilian hardships, Ironside stated that, “There have been attempts to instrumentalize the UN in Gaza in this conflict.” Continue Reading »

Syria, Gaza & Lebanon Fire Rockets at Israel

No injuries reported in Golan from Syrian rocket attack
2 children lightly injured after Katyusha rocket attack from Lebanon hits Upper Galilee.
2 rockets fired from Gaza landed in a residential area in Beersheba 



Five rockets from Syria landed across the border with Israel in the Golan Heights overnight between Saturday and Sunday.

A rocket is launched from the northern Gaza Strip towards Israel. - Photo: REUTERS

A rocket is launched from the northern Gaza Strip towards Israel. – Photo: REUTERS

The rockets landed in open areas and no injuries were initially reported. Multiple alert sirens sounded in the Golan Regional Council warning of the attack

The projectile strike from Syria came hours after a separate incident on Saturday night in which a rocket fired from Lebanon hit a building in an open area in the Upper Galilee. Continue Reading »

Ranking IDF Officer: 70% of Hamas’ Rockets Decimated

After losing popular support & suffering heavy military blows, Hamas is stepping up its rhetoric & the executions of dissidents, to propel the illusion of victory and control.

By Koby Finkler


Most of Hamas’s rocket arsenal has been decimated, a senior IDF officer stated Saturday, after the IAF hit multiple terror targets over the past week.

“Rocket fire in the Gaza periphery is related to Hamas’s desire and ability to put pressure on Israel,” the official told Arutz Sheva on condition of anonymity. “We’re talking about 30% of the rockets left now.”

“In my opinion, Hamas’s rocket production capabilities have decreased,” he added.

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Hamas pledges to back Palestinian bid for International Criminal Court membership

Abbas gets Hamas backing to sign Rome Statute; ICC membership would allow both Israel & Hamas to war crimes investigations.

By i24news


Hamas has signed a proposal for the Palestinians to apply to join the International Criminal Court at which legal action could be taken against Israel, a senior official of the Islamist movement said Saturday.

A woman walks up to the offices of the International Criminal Court in the Hague on July 1, 2002 ( Robin Utrecht (ANP/AFP/File) )

the International Criminal Court in the Hague – Photo: Robin Utrecht (ANP/AFP/File)

“Hamas signed the document which (Palestinian) president (Mahmud Abbas) put forth as a condition that all factions approve, before he goes to sign the Rome Statute, which paves the way for Palestine’s membership in the International Criminal Court (ICC),” Hamas deputy leader Mussa Abu Marzuq wrote on his Facebook page. Continue Reading »

UN War Crimes – Advocating martyrdom in UN schools, where rockets are stored & fired

U.S. Senators are demanding an investigation into UNRWA, the relief agency for Palestinian refugees, where:

• Rockets were fired from its facilities into Israeli civilian centers,
• Rockets have been stored in its schools and
• A terror-tunnel was dug from one of its booby-trapped clinics.

By Nadav Shragai


What do you call a humanitarian organization that uses school textbooks that teach jihad against Israel and some of whose institutions have been taken over de facto by Hamas? What is the proper description for the Gaza branch of UNRWA, whose teaching staff has been infiltrated by terrorists and operatives of terrorist groups, and whose institutions served as launching sites for rockets and mortar shells that were fired at the State of Israel?

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Hamas Fighters Kill 4 yr-old Israeli – Rocket sirens wail in Tel Aviv

Arabs looking for a bloody Shabbat:

Gaza rocket hits Ashdod synagogue, injuring three
Gaza mortar explodes near preschool in Eshkol
1 wounded in Beersheba



Medical officials in southern Israel announced the death of a four-year-old Israeli boy who suffered serious injuries when a mortar launched from the northern Gaza Strip directly slammed into a car before sundown on Friday.

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Israel Policeman poses with part of a rocket that struck in the Tel Aviv area earlier Friday – Photo: Israel Police

According to Channel 10, Magen David Adom rescue services rushed the boy to hospital, listing him in grave condition. Continue Reading »