Archive for August 22, 2014

Hamas executes 18 men for ‘collaborating’ with Israel

Hamas shoots dead 7 Palestinian men suspected of collaborating with Israel in a public execution, after 11 other Gazans were executed by gunmen at an abandoned police station earlier Friday morning.

Deaths linked to Israeli attacks on Hamas’ top military officials.

By Elior Levy


The armed wing of Hamas has executed 18 Palestinians Friday for allegedly collaborating with Israel during the Gaza war, Gaza sources said, after a website close to the movement reported three were killed and seven arrested Thursday.

Gaza Children brought to Excecution

Gaza Children (circled) brought to Execution

Friday’s killings came a day after Israel killed three top Hamas military commanders in an airstrike on a house in southern Gaza Strip. Continue Reading »

Hamas chief accuses Israel of ‘replicating Hitler’ in committing Holocaust

Hamas’ Qatar-based political chief tells Turkish Andalou News Agency that Israel is carrying out a ‘holocaust’ in the Gaza Strip.


Hamas’ political chief Khaled Meshal has vowed to keep fighting Israel until the country meets its terms for a permanent truce, while accusing Israel of carrying out a Holocaust in the Strip and replicating Adolf Hitler.

Khaled Meshal,  July 23, 2014.

Islamist Hamas movement chief, Khaled Meshal holds a press conference in the Qatari capital Doha on July 23, 2014. – Photo: AFP

“We are determined to realize the demands of the Palestinian people, especially lifting the siege and securing the release of [Palestinian] detainees,” Meshal, who is based in Qatar, told the Turkish Andalou Agency in an interview on Thursday.

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3 senior Hamas military leaders assassinated

PM Benjamin Netanyahu says: ‘No terrorist leaders immune from IDF’

• One of the three killed, Raed al-Attar, was behind the 2006 Gilad Schalit kidnapping.
• Speculation continues regarding possible assassination of Hamas military wing chief Mohammed Deif.

By Israel Hayom Staff & News Agencies


Hamas officials announced on Thursday that three of its senior military leaders were killed in an Israeli airstrike in the Gaza Strip.

Three Hamas leaders were assassinated on Thursday in the Gaza Strip – Photo: Channel 2

In a text message distributed to the media, Hamas announced that Mohammed Abu Shamaleh, Mohammed Barhoum and Raed al-Attar were killed in the Israeli airstrike near the southern town of Rafah early on Thursday.

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Hamas’ Rockets Targeted Israel’s Off-Shore Natural Gas Well

A gas platform, located about 30 km off the coast of Gaza, hasn’t suffer any damage in 1st attack of this kind.



Palestinian militant group Hamas said it fired two rockets at an Israeli gas installation about 30 km (19 miles) off the coast of Gaza on Wednesday in the first apparent attack of its kind.

A natural gas rig west of Haifa, Israel. – Photo: Albatross Aerial Perspective/AP

The Israeli military said no missiles had struck any gas platforms at sea.

The armed wing of Hamas, engaged in a six-week war with Israel, said on its website it had fired two rockets at Noa, a gas well owned by Nobel Energy and Delek. Continue Reading »

Hamas Threatens to Bomb Ben-Gurion Airport, Warns the Airlines to Stay Away

Terror group tells int’l airlines to cease their flights from 6:00 am Thursday.

Will another flight ban follow?

By AFP and Arutz Sheva Staff


Hamas’s “military wing” warned foreign airlines on Wednesday against flying into Tel Aviv, threatening to step up its six-week conflict with Israel after firing more than 100 rockets on Israeli civilians and pulling out of peace talks.

“We are warning international airlines and press them to stop flying into Ben Gurion airport from 6 am (0300 GMT) Thursday,” Al Qassam
Brigades spokesman Abu Obeida stated Wednesday, in a televised speech.

The move marks yet another Hamas ‘scare attempt’ aimed at harming Israel’s economy and security reputation, after a rocket hit near Ben-Gurion airport last month scared international airlines into canceling flights for several days. Continue Reading »

Australian judge blocks Palestinian protest against Israeli Film Festival in Sydney

New South Wales Supreme Court Judge ruled pro-Palestinian activists will be unable to protest outside the Israeli Film Festival in Sydney.



A pro-Palestinian protest at the opening night of the Israeli Film Festival in Sydney will not go ahead, a judge ruled. Protesters responded that they will “not be silenced.”

A pro-Gaza rally in Sydney, Australia, July 20, 2014

A pro-Gaza rally in Sydney, Australia, July 20, 2014. – Photo: Reuters

New South Wales Supreme Court Judge Peter Hidden ruled Wednesday in favor of the police, who had applied to the court to block the planned protest on Thursday night because it would disrupt inner-city traffic during a peak hour.

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Hamas: Israel is ‘Opening the Gates of Hell’


Hamas says its rocket fire came in response to an Israeli airstrike on a Gaza home, vowing Israel will have no peace.

By Elad Benari


Hamas declared on Tuesday night that Israel had “opened the gates of hell”.

In a statement, the group’s so-called “military wing” said that it had resumed the rocket fire on Israel because the Israeli Air Force had launched an airstrike on a home in Gaza.

The group warned that “the price will be a heavy one”.

Senior Hamas official Ezzat al-Rishq warned, according to AFP, “Israel will not enjoy security so long as the Palestinian people do not, and it started it.” Continue Reading »

‘Gazans Elected Hamas, We Made a Big Mistake’

Palestinian leader says Gazans now hate Hamas more than Israel, & ironically notes that Israel treats Palestinians best than any Arab/Muslim country.

By Israel Today Staff


Mudar Zahran, a Palestinian-Jordanian journalist, activist and voice for many Palestinian Arabs living in the Hashemite Kingdom and elsewhere says the Gaza war has reinforced for most that electing and supporting Hamas was a bad idea.

Mudar Zahran, a Palestinian-Jordanian journalist, living in the UK

“Not a single Gazan that I spoke to was not against Hamas,” said Zahran, who came to the “West Bank” to cover the conflict in and around the Gaza Strip.

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Arab Bank: Lack of proof Hamas funds went to terrorists

Hamas official tells umbrella Hamas-funding group they are ‘room full of terrorists’.

A plaintiffs’ lawyer said the bank required “all their employees to donate 5% of their salaries” to the intifada.

In one of the dramatic key moments of the historic Arab Bank terror finance trial, the plaintiffs on Tuesday showed a video in which a top Hamas official told a conference of the “Union of Good” umbrella Hamas-funding group that they are a room full of terrorists.

US Supreme Court

US Supreme Court. – Photo: REUTERS

Top Hamas expert Dr. Matthew Levitt, may be the key witness in the case, testified regarding the video that the Saudi Committee, which Arab Bank transferred voluminous funds to, is essentially an alter ego of Hamas’ Union of Good in a “web of charity organizations” providing cover for the funds’ terror purposes.

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Israel’s Jets Strikes Gaza in Response to Rocket Fire ‘Ordered by Meshaal’



Unnamed Israeli security source claims the  rocket attack which broke ceasefire, was ordered directly by Hamas head Khaled Meshaal.

By Arutz Sheva Staff


The Israeli Air Force has struck terrorist targets in the Gaza Strip in response to rocket fire this afternoon, following Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s order to strike back hard against the perpetrators.

Sources in Gaza reported at least one IAF strike on an open area, which did not cause any injuries. It is possible the target was the site from where the rockets were launched, although this has not been confirmed.

According to Palestinian Arab media reports cited by Walla! Continue Reading »

‘The Guardian’: U.S. pressuring ICC to not open war crimes probe against Israel

‘The Guardian’ quotes lawyers & former court officials reporting western pressure has influenced the decision to not open probe.



The US and other western powers have exerted pressure on the International Criminal Court at the Hague to prevent a war crimes probe of Israel’s operation in the Gaza Strip, The Guardian reported on Monday, quoting former court officials.

The Hague, International Criminal Court. – Photo courtesy: Wikimedia Commons

The Hague, International Criminal Court. – Photo courtesy: Wikimedia Commons

During Operation Protective Edge, the Palestinian Authority has threatened to request that the court look into allegations that the civilian deaths in Gaza during the IDF’s operation constitute a war crime. Continue Reading »

London supermarket empties shelves of kosher food amid fears of anti-Israel protests

A London Sainsbury’s supermarket removes its Kosher food-stuffs made in Britain & Poland, after pro-Palestinian protesters ransacked a Tesco store in Birmingham.

By Ynetnews


A supermarket chain branch in central London removed kosher food from its shelves on Saturday afternoon over fears it would be a target for the anti-Israel protesters who were demonstrating nearby, the Guardian reported on Sunday.

Empty kosher food shelves at Sainsbury's in Holbon (Photo: Colin Appleby on Twitter)

Empty kosher food shelves at Sainsbury’s in Holbon – Photo: Colin Appleby on Twitter

The kosher section in the Holborn Sainsbury’s store was emptied out after pro-Palestinian protesters ransacked a branch of competing supermarket chain Tesco in Birmingham on Saturday. Continue Reading »

Allowed for Publication: IDF Foiled Hamas Coup Over Fatah

IDF & Shin Bet arrested 93 Hamas terrorists, who were directed by a Hamas HQ in Turkey to take control over Judea and Samaria.

By Gil Ronen


A large scale operation mounted from May to August by the IDF and Israel Security Agency (ISA or Shin Bet) foiled a Hamas network’s plot to carry out a coup in the Palestinian Authority (PA) in Judea and Samaria.

The news about the operation was under a gag order until today.

The Hamas infrastructure in Judea and Samaria was controlled by a Hamas HQ in Turkey. The plot was to carry out a series of cruel terror attacks against Israel and create a situation of security instability, then take advantage of that situation to take over the PA. Continue Reading »

Israel’s 1st Christian Arab pre-military class graduates


Deputy Minister Akunis says Israel’s Christian Arabs serving in the IDF are partners in an alliance against radical Islam.

• IDF officer admits how volunteering for service helps Christian Arabs integrate into society.

By Israel Hayom Staff


Thirty members of Israel’s first pre-military course specially tailored for Christian Arab citizens entering the Israel Defense Forces celebrated their graduation in a formal ceremony in Haifa this week. The group includes four women.

Deputy Minister Ofir Akunis with members of the IDF’s first preparatory course for Christian Arabs.

Current law does not require most Israeli Arabs to serve in the military.

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Israel Not Interested in UN ‘War Crimes’ Facade

The EU & US join Jerusalem in calling the UN’s commission a biased spectacle that cannot possibly produce true justice

By Ryan Jones


Israel, the United States and the European Union have all dismissed a UN commission of inquiry into possible war crimes committed during the Gaza war as little more than a sideshow with a foregone conclusion.

Canadian Prof. William Schabas

The UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) on Monday named a three-man panel to investigate allegations of Israeli war crimes during the Jewish state’s month-long battle against Gaza’s terrorist infrastructure.

Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the committee amounted to a “kangaroo court” whose findings were “predetermined.”

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