Archive for August 17, 2014

Pro-Palestinian Facebook page targets Israeli shipping concern

Anti-Israel Facebook page calls on their supporters to ‘Block the boat for Gaza’ with plans against Zim vessels attempting to dock an US ports.

By Itay Blumenthal



Pro-Palestinian organizations have announced that they will begin sabotaging the operations of shipping company Zim in the United States.

Block the Boat Facebook page (Photo: Facebook screenshot)

Block the Boat Facebook page – Photo: Facebook screenshot

Under a banner of “Block the Boat for Gaza,” the action’s organizers called for people to stop the firm’s vessels from docking at ports and unloading their merchandise.

The protest’s first action – according to the group’s Facebook page – will be an attempt to prevent the docking of a cargo ship in Oakland, California. Continue Reading »

Interview with Walid Jumblatt, Top Lebanese Druze Leader

With Islamic State on the march, Lebanon’s Christians must agree on president, says Walid Jumblatt, the most influential figure in Lebanon’s Druze community.



With minorities facing death and persecution at the hands of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, Lebanon’s Christians must lay aside their rivalries and agree on who should fill the vacant presidency, a leading Druze politician has warned.

Walid Jumblatt (Photo: AFP)

Walid Jumblatt – Photo: AFP

Walid Jumblatt, the most influential figure in Lebanon’s Druze community, says he is as alarmed as anyone by the rise of the radical Islamist group guided by a puritanical vision of Islam that is a major threat to religious minorities including his own. Continue Reading »

A Dutch recipient of Israel’s ‘Righteous Gentile’ award has returned it over Gaza

The prestigious Yad V’Shem award was returned after honoree’s family were allegedly killed in Gaza.

By Tova Dvorin


A Dutch man who received the prestigious Righteous Gentile award from Yad V’Shem has given back his medal, Haaretz reported Friday, in protest of the civilian casualties in Gaza.

Yad Vashem

Yad Vashem – Reuters

Henk Zanoli, 91, hid a Jewish child in his home between 1943 and 1945, saving the child’s life. Zanoli and his mother, Johana Zanoli-Smit, received the medal for their actions in 2011.

But Zanoli returned the accolade earlier this week to the Israeli embassy in the Hague, citing the death of several family members of his great-niece’s husband, who is a Gaza native and whose family members died in Gaza during Operation Protective Edge last month. Continue Reading »

PA to UNESCO: Israel’s Targeting Gaza Mosques for Destruction is a War Crime

Although the IDF did not comment on the matter, it’s no secrete Israel has in the past mentioned how Hamas has stored weapons in the mosques.


The destruction of 41 mosques over the last five weeks during Israel’s military operation in Gaza is a war crime, the Palestinian Authority Tourism and Antiquities Ministry charged on Thursday.

A PALESTINIAN man walks past the remains of a Khan Yunis mosque.

A PALESTINIAN man walks past the remains of a Khan Yunis mosque in the southern Gaza Strip early this week, which witnesses said was destroyed in an Israeli air strike. – Photo: REUTERS

It added that another 120 mosques and shrines were partially destroyed. Continue Reading »

US Post Offices was Refusing Mail to Israel

Anti-Defamation League sends letter of complains to US Postmaster General after mail to Israel turned away in several states.

By Ari Yashar


The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has written to complain to the US Postmaster General, after receiving widespread reports that US post offices around America have been refusing to accept mail to Israel.

US Post Office (illustration)

US Post Office (illustration) – Thinkstock

In the last several days ADL reports that it has received complaints from Massachusetts, Michigan and New Jersey, revealing postal customers were incorrectly told that the US Postal Service is not accepting mail for Israel due to Operation Protective Edge in Gaza. Continue Reading »

Former Israeli envoy to US: ‘Impossible’ for Israel to bypass White House for weapons appropriation

Michael Oren says WSJ report that Washington halted shipment of Hellfire missiles to Israel is unconfirmed, & dismissed a report Israel went around Obama administration for weapons.

By Attila Somfalvi


It would be “impossible” for Israel to go around the White House’s back to get a resupply of arms from the Pentagon, former Israeli ambassador to the US, Michael Oren, told Ynet on Thursday, in response to a report in the Wall Street Journal.

Former Israeli ambassador to the US Michael Oren - Photo: Ynet screenshot

Former Israeli ambassador to the US Michael Oren – Photo: Ynet screenshot

“There is a claim in the Wall Street Journal that Israel went around the back of the United States to get a resupply of ammunition from the Pentagon, that it didn’t get permission from the White House. Continue Reading »

Not to be out played by Hamas, Fatah claims to have killed more Jews.

Fearful of diminishing popularity in aftermath of Gaza war, Israel’s ‘Peace Partner’ Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah proudly reminds everyone that it has killed more Jews than Hamas!

By Israel Today Staff


Among some Palestinians, Hamas’ stock is soaring after it dragged Israel into a month-long war that saw 3,500 missiles rain down on the Jewish state’s most populated civilian areas.

It was after years of successful, gory suicide bomb attacks that Hamas garnered enough popularity to win a parliamentary majority in the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections.

Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas’ ruling Fatah faction isn’t about to let that happen again, and is trying to remind everyone that it has killed far more Israeli Jews than Hamas. Continue Reading »

Germany’s Bild newspaper publishes bios & photos of the 64 fallen IDF soldiers


Germany’s Bild newspaper publishes, “Israel fighting Hamas terror: Faces of the fallen” with the pictures, names & a brief biography of the 64 Israeli soldiers killed during ‘Operation Protective Edge’.
• They are “64 sons, friends, husbands, who will never return to their families,” the article wrote.

By Eli Leon


Germany’s popular Bild newspaper on Tuesday published the photographs of the 64 Israel Defense Forces soldiers who were killed during Operation Protective Edge alongside an article titled “Israel fighting Hamas terror: Faces of the fallen.”

The article in Germany’s Bild newspaper on the 64 IDF soldiers who fell in Operation Protective Edge

The article included the names and brief biographies of the soldiers as well as an interview with Omer Gottlieb, the older brother of fallen soldier Sgt.

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Hamas Detonates IDF Missile Negligently Killing 5, Including Italian Reporter

5 dead & several others seriously wounded when Hamas tried to dismantle unexploded IDF missile, only to end up detonating it.

By Ari Yashar

Hamas sources in Gaza report that a dud IDF missile exploded on Wednesday, killing five including an Italian, after Hamas terrorists clumsily tried to dismantle the missile.

Hamas emergency services spokesperson Ashraf al-Qudra stated that in addition to the five dead, there are several more who are seriously wounded.

“A number of explosives experts were killed while dismantling a missile in Beit Lahiya. Among them was a foreign journalist,” Hamas Interior Ministry spokesperson Iyad al-Buzam told AFP. Continue Reading »

George Clooney’s fiancee Amal Alamuddin, to participate on UNHRW’s Gaza probe panel


UN Watch executive director, Hillel Neuer, questions the choice of Amal Alamuddin, says UN ‘trying to inject some Hollywood publicity into the process.’

By Associated Press


GENEVA – The United Nation’s three-member commission on possible violations of the rules of war in Gaza will include the increasingly high-profile British-Lebanese lawyer Amal Alamuddin, who is engaged to George Clooney, and a Canadian legal expert whose appointment is already drawing fire.

George Clooney,  with his British girlfriend Amal Alamuddin - Photo: Netloid

George Clooney, with his British girlfriend Amal Alamuddin – Photo: Netloid

The president of the 47-nation UN Human Rights Council announced the appointments Monday. Alamuddin is a London-based international law specialist and former legal adviser to the prosecutor of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. Continue Reading »

Hamas Fired Rockets From Church Being Used to Shelter Gaza’s Christians


Priest based in Gaza acknowledges that Christians must obey Hamas orders with a Palestinian pastor saying those that dare speak out, may be killed.

By Israel Today Staff

Israel has been trying to drive home the point that Hamas fired many of the 3,500 missiles that targeted the Jewish state over the past month from either inside or within the vicinity of mosques, schools, hospitals and other civilian facilities.

 Archbishop Alexios and others share a meal in the courtyard of the Church of Saint Porphyrius in Gaza City, as the war between Israel and Hamas rages just beyond its walls.

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Hamas militant found with pocket guidelines for exploiting civilians


A Hamas instruction manual found on body of terrorists, orders fighters to hide behind civilians, proving Hamas exploited the IDF’s attempts to minimize civilian casualties, & even admit as such: ‘IDF limits use of ammunition to avoid harming civilians.’

By Yuval Karni, Benjamin Tobias


A notepad found by IDF soldiers during fighting in Gaza details instructions for terrorists to operate from within civilian population centers in Gaza in a bid to force the IDF to harm innocent civilians.

Justice Minister Tzipi Livni presented on Thursday a document in Arabic which explicitly instructs terrorists to deliberately fire at the Israeli army from within places where civilians are present, and thus harm its image. Continue Reading »

Justice Minister Presents Her 6-Point Plan for Gaza Ceasefire on Israel TV News

Minister Livni’s new plan links a Gaza ceasefire with resuming the peace negotiations with Abbas and the PA.

By Elad Benari, Canada


Justice Minister Tzipi Livni has presented a six-point plan which links a ceasefire in Gaza with a return to peace negotiations with Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

Channel 2 News reported about the details of the plan on Friday evening. Livni has presented the plan to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu but he has yet to respond, the report said.

Livni’s plan includes the following steps:

  • A ceasefire.
  • Immediate humanitarian assistance to the residents of Gaza.
  • Measures that will meet both Israel’s security demands and the economic needs of the people of Gaza, equating the interests of the parties.
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Hamas Defector: Palestinian Children are Hamas’ Hostages of Terror

Son of Hamas founder says Israel’s ‘Operation Protective Edge’ is for the benefit of all free people.

By Israel Today Staff


In a to-the-point interview with CNN, Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of one of the founders of Hamas, said that the terror organization is not only the reason for the current war, but is holding the people of Gaza, and in particular its children, hostage to a violent Islamic ideology.

Yousef, who years ago converted to Christianity after betraying Hamas and aiding Israeli security, was asked why he decided to abandon an organization for whose leadership he was being groomed. Continue Reading »

Hate Speech: Anti-Semitic British MP declares his district an ‘Israel-free zone’


Leftist British MP George Galloway says his constituency will reject anything Israeli – including tourists: ‘We reject this barbarous, savage, illegal state that calls itself Israel.’




George Galloway, a British parliament member for West Bradford – an area with a high Muslim populations – told a group of activists that he “declared Bradford an Israel-free zone.”

George Galloway - Photo AP

George Galloway – Photo AP

Yorkshire Police announced they will launch an investigation into comments made by Galloway, the Huffington Post UK reported.

His comments, caught on camera and distributed via YouTube, are not the first time the MP has gotten in trouble over his position on Israel: In 2013, he stormed out of a debate in Oxford, claiming “I don’t debate with Israelis.” Continue Reading »